Thursday, August 6, 2009

George Jetson and T-Rex

Drew and I were driving around Monday and Drew all of the sudden asked, "How is the baby going to come out?" UH OH! I was not prepared for this since I'm not even close to delivering. I told him very matter of fact, "I have to go to the hospital and they cut my tummy, take the baby out, and sew it back up." He asked, "Do they used a big knife?" "Well, yes, sort of," I replied. Thank goodness I have to have c-sections, I would not want to explain the other option!

Later he asked how he got in my tummy? "Did you eat me?" I quickly said yes, I ate him! I'm not ready for that conversation either. Lol

A friend of mine is pregnant and we were discussing names yesterday. She said her husband wanted to name the baby William Robert and call him 'Billy Bob.' Lol. I was telling Drew and Mike the story and we are discussing names at dinner. I asked Drew what he wanted to name the baby and he thought for a moment and said, "George Jetson." I almost fell out of my chair laughing. He also came up with 'ketchup' and 'Bicycle Maker.' I think we'd be better off with George Jetson Etcheson.

Tonight Drew and I were looking at my pregnancy week by week. I showed him this picture and told him the baby was the size of a raspberry right now. Drew looked at it for a while, then said, "Mom, are you having a baby or a dinosaur!?!" He cracks me up everyday. Oh, what little kids think of.
6 Weeks Here are some other things that are happening this week:
Leg buds are starting to look like short fins, and hands and feet have a digital plate where fingers and toes will develop. The heart and lungs are becoming more developed, as are the eyes and nostrils, intestines and appendix. By now the brain and spinal cord are growing from the neural tube.

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