Monday, March 15, 2010

Last Day of Pregnancy baby yet, but I thought I should write about my last day of being pregnant. Its kind of a bittersweet day. Drew and I spent the day together. I wanted it to be just a mommy and Drew day since from here on out he'll have to share me. He helped me wash the car, got ice cream and went to the park. We played at the park for over an hour, in the wind, I might add. I was sitting on the bench while Drew climbed up and down the toys. He says, "Mom come play with me, the other kids moms and dads play with them." Oh, guilt trip by the 4 year old! I replied, "Yes, but their parents are 9 months pregnant!" A dad standing nearby started laughing and said, "Whats wrong with you, you can't climb all over 9 months pregnant?" Drew wanted me to go through some tunnel and down all the slides. Ugh! I know we've had a eventful day when he passes out in the car on the ride home. Mission accomplished!
I cried in the Doctors office Friday when he said I would have to wait until 39 weeks, Tuesday, to induce or do a cesarean. I had been having contractions all week 5 minutes apart and I wasn't even 100% effaced yet. When I called to make the appointment the nurse on the phone and the one in the office eluded that he may be able to do it Friday since I was in labor for so long. So like every very, very pregnant woman, I got my hopes all up and was ready to head for the hospital as soon as our appointment was over. Instead I burst into tears when he said I'd have to go through the weekend. I think he would have liked to have me wait another week until my actual due date, but that just wasn't happening in my book. Mike may not have lived to see his son born. :) I was not happy about waiting the weekend in misery since my contractions had gotten stronger over the week, but still not strong enough to head to the hospital. Dr. Hodges hugged me and apologized over and over to us (mostly Mike lol) but he said unless medically necessary, the hospital makes you wait until 39 weeks for inductions or scheduled cesareans. I guess I can understand, but oh I was upset!
Mike took me to lunch at Smoky Mountain and tried to make my day a little better. I appreciate his effort. Later I ate a big bowl of ice cream while I pouted. Marcy, my mom's best friend, offered to bring over ice cream and pasta, but I informed her I already had both! She knows me too well. :) By Friday night I was feeling a little better and it allowed us to spend one last date night together and some alone time with Drew, so in the end it was better to wait. Now it is almost here and I have butterflies in my stomach knowing its coming so soon.
As much as I've wanted this day to come so badly the last few weeks/months, I can't believe its over so fast. My friend, Debbie, said that to me just today. Time has flown by, it seems like I just found out I was pregnant. I've cried and whined to Mike and my mom about wanting to be done being pregnant and now that it is here, I'm a little sad. We all know I'm not one of those super model pregnant mommies that look fabulous the whole time and seem to bounce back in a blink of an eye...ahem...Debbie. :) I gained 35 lbs (AGAIN) and it doesn't help I didn't lose it all from the 1st child. I've gotten more stretch marks around my belly button and the ones on my hips just grew in size. I couldn't see any stretch marks on my belly with Drew and actually thought I didn't have any there until I had him and realized I just couldn't see the under side of my belly. lol Even though I've been pregnant with 2 boys, Camden was still a little different in the way I carried him. He seems to be even more round than Drew was. My belly with Drew looked oblong at this point, Camden is still pretty round. Hence more stretch marks on the sides of my belly button. I don't think I've gotten any more on my legs (Thank you Camden!!!) but I may discover those this weekend when I can see down there again. :) I've struggled to shave my legs and bikini and had to guess where I should be shaving for months. I've gotten out the mirror after shaving and realized I was WAY off. :) I've had horrible razor burn this pregnancy and can't wait for that to be over. I never had that with Drew. My dad measured me and from my back to my belly button is 16". That's HUGE! I've retained so much water and my feet look like Shrek feet. Even my flip flops leave indents. I haven't been able to wear my ring for 2 months and feel like I'm being judged every time I go to the store with Drew and no wedding ring. (I know, stupid, woman insecurities). I've thrown up at least once a day since about 5 or 6 weeks every time I brush my teeth, eat Mexican food or just plain eat too much, or any sort of stinky teenage boy sat in my chair.
But on the positive side, I love feeling him wiggle around in there. He's got the longest legs and bony little knees that are constantly trying to come out my belly button. He hasn't been as active as Drew was, but loves it after I eat, especially anything sweet. He does not like chocolate I've discovered, we'll see if that stays true. Drew's been really into the baby and so excited he is getting a brother. Mike and Drew love to watch him move around after dinner and feel him kick. I love feeling his hiccups. Its almost like reassuring me he's okay in there. He has the hiccups almost every time I eat, even if its just a snack. Even after all the complaining and sickness, I wouldn't take any of it back. I love being pregnant. I don't have complications (other than not dilating!) and have felt pretty good the whole time. Mike and my relationship has been the best its ever been the last 9 months and some of you know its been a bumpy road at times for us. :) I have no doubt Mike will be a wonderful Daddy because he's been so wonderful to Drew when he didn't have to be. He has helped with Drew so much and played with him when I was sick. Mike's made dinner after long days at work so I could just lay on the couch and put my feet up. Mike has shown interest in the baby moving and my general well-being the entire time. Mike worked several weekends to make the babies room adorable and I love every part about it. Even the flaws he points out. I can't wait to see the look on his face when Camden comes out and the 1st time he holds him. Mike is going to cry like a baby. There is something about your child that the moment they are delivered they steal your heart forever. Mike will soon realize how much you love that little person and how you'd do anything for them. I've gotten to know Camden for 9 months and his busy times and sleepy times and I can't wait for Mike to get to do the same.
I found out I was pregnant July 16th and Camden Micah Etcheson will be here March 16th. My guess is he'll be 7 lbs 10 oz and 21" long with lots of hair. Mike's guess is 8 lbs and 22" and hair. I can't wait to meet the little guy. I bet he'll be just as adorable as his daddy.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

38 weeks and ready to be done!

I've been having Braxton-Hicks since Friday, the 5th. They've been pretty much every night starting after I eat until an hour or so after I lay down, but then they stop. Sunday I felt really motivated and Mike and I went to Costco and Walmart, I cleaned up the house, and didn't even take a nap! This is really unusual for me because doing all that even when I'm not pregnant requires a nap sometime in between. Mike kept saying he was shocked I had done so much that day. I started feeling yucky before dinner and didn't eat much and that continued to Monday. I must have overdone it Sunday because Monday I took 2 naps and didn't get much accomplished at all. After dinner Mike and I were watching a movie and my contractions started but this time they were different. They started in my back instead of just my stomach contracting. I timed them for an hour before even saying anything to Mike. (I know he thinks every time I get contractions I think "This is it!") So I just waited...

After and hour of 4 minute apart contractions that hurt somewhat, but still not excruciating, I called my mom. She said to lay down and see if they continue. Well they did. Mike went to bed at 9 so he was ready to be up all night. I tried to sleep but just kept watching the clock. Exactly every 4 minutes they would start again and I don't know if it was the contractions or the excitement of possibly being in labor that kept me awake. I finally fell asleep for about 45 min around 11:30. They woke me up again. I got up and called Labor and Delivery. I knew they weren't strong enough and everyone says you'll be doubled over, but I thought I should just ask. They had been 4 min apart for 4 hours. They told us to come in so I got ready and woke Mike up. He made himself a pot of coffee and I laughed and said, "You'll regret that when they send us back home." We debated about leaving Toby inside or putting him out. I knew if we left him inside they would admit me and he would destroy the house, I kept thinking of Marley on Marley and Me.

We went to the hospital and I was having consistent contractions but they weren't really strong enough to dilate me. After monitoring me for while she said, "I think you should go back home and get some rest because this is only the beginning." They gave me Ambien which knocked me out! When we got home I was in the kitchen and stumbling around like a drunk person, but drunk people don't know they are stumbling, I did. Mike said it was hilarious to watch me. Ya, make fun of the pregnant wife, that is always a good thing!
Mike and I went to the doctor Tuesday morning and I was still having contractions every 4 minutes. I was hoping to be at a 1 so he could scrape my membranes, but no such luck. I was still not even 100% effaced. UGH! I decided to not go to work in case I had a contraction and accidentally cut someones ear off. OOPS! I had contractions for 24 hours about every 4 minutes. Some had been strong and I had to stop what I was doing and some had been lighter and I could talk and laugh through them.

At 7:30 Tuesday night they pretty much slowed down to nothing. I've had a few here and there that really hurt, but now I just pray they start again with a vengeance. I've got a billion things to do and no motivation to do them. My thoughts are if I am really busy the contractions will be stronger so here I go...

Hopefully next time I write, I have a baby sleeping in the swing next to me. :)

Monday, March 8, 2010

Present for Camden

Mom, Cassie, Drew, and I went to Build a Bear so Drew could make a present for Camden. Drew picked the monkey (which is also Camden's bedroom theme) and named him Silly Bananas. He picked out a BSU t-shirt, cute little boxers, and warm up that is blue and orange. Silly Bananas has a football and is set for the game. I tried to get a real smile out of Drew and failed miserably. Drew is in that super cheesy smile phase, but I did manage to get one good one while he dressed Silly Bananas.
Drew is more than excited for his brother to get here. He asks me daily if today is the day. Its really hard to explain to a 4 year old that babies come whenever they want, even though Drew, Mike, and I would all like him to make his appearance. Drew has shown a lot of interest in my belly. I hope he keeps it up once Camden gets here.
The bedroom is almost done, except hanging the monkey decals on the walls. Mike did a wonderful job putting up tan wainscotting. My job was to put up the decals, and yes, I still haven't done it. Drew keeps telling me I need to get that done. lol I know, I know.

34 weeks

I've been really bad about posting these, but I have been taking pictures. I was 34 weeks February 9th. I've definitely slowed down at work and grateful it is our slow season. I can't imagine if it was August or December. I've started getting sick AGAIN and not sleeping as well, even with the Snoogle. I'm getting anxious and wanting to be done being pregnant. I can't wait to see what he looks like, although I'm pretty sure he'll look just like Mike. I think he will have a lot of hair and really, really long legs. I feel like his knees are constantly trying to come out my belly button. I don't remember feeling that way with Drew and he was 22 inches. This kid is going to come out 3 feet tall!

Snow Day

Drew was so excited to play outside in the snow, although there wasn't much of it this year. Mike showed him how to make snowballs. I had to dodge a few while I tried to take pictures. Drew was good as long as he was throwing the snowball, he needs to work on taking a few hits. He would hit Mike and when Mike got him back, Drew would run to me crying. I told him, "If you dish it out, you have to be able to take it." The fun only lasted about 30 minutes before he was cold and wanted to come back inside.